Do both Matte PLA and PLA Pro support High Speed printing?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat are the advantages of using a High Speed filament?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow tough is PLA Pro?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat makes PLA Pro so different from other PLA?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁDoes PLA have a shelf life?What should I do if PLA gets damp?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
What is the difference between Matte PLA and PLA Pro?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁDo both Matte PLA and PLA Pro support High Speed printing?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat are the advantages of using a High Speed filament?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁDoes PLA have a shelf life? What should I do if PLA gets damp?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
- Standard Pro
- Water Washable
- High Speed
- Casting
- Rigid Pro
- Elastic
- Tough
- Hight Resolution 8K
- Hight Resolution 12K
- Hight Resolution 12K Pro
- Dental Model
- Clear
What are the material properties of NextShapes resins?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁAre NextShapes resins food-safe?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁAre NextShapes resins gas permeable?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow should I store resin? How to store the remaining resin after printing?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow to clean the printing screen of a LCD device?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
Are NextShapes resins food-safe?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat are the material properties of NextShapes resins?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁAre NextShapes resins gas permeable?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow should I store resin? How to store the remaining resin after printing?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow to clean the printing screen of a LCD device?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
How should I store resin? How to store the remaining resin after printing?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁAre NextShapes resins food-safe?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat are the material properties of NextShapes resins?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁAre NextShapes resins gas permeable?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow to clean the printing screen of a LCD device?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
Are NextShapes resins food-safe?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat are the material properties of NextShapes resins?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁAre NextShapes resins gas permeable?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow should I store resin? How to store the remaining resin after printing?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow to clean the printing screen of a LCD device?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
Are NextShapes resins food-safe?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat are the material properties of NextShapes resins?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁAre NextShapes resins gas permeable?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow should I store resin? How to store the remaining resin after printing?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow to clean the printing screen of a LCD device?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
Are NextShapes resins food-safe?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat are the material properties of NextShapes resins?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁAre NextShapes resins gas permeable?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow should I store resin? How to store the remaining resin after printing?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow to clean the printing screen of a LCD device?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
Are NextShapes resins food-safe?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat are the material properties of NextShapes resins?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁAre NextShapes resins gas permeable?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow should I store resin? How to store the remaining resin after printing?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow to clean the printing screen of a LCD device?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
Are NextShapes resins food-safe?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat are the material properties of NextShapes resins?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁAre NextShapes resins gas permeable?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow should I store resin? How to store the remaining resin after printing?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow to clean the printing screen of a LCD device?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
Are NextShapes resins food-safe?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat are the material properties of NextShapes resins?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁAre NextShapes resins gas permeable?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow should I store resin? How to store the remaining resin after printing?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow to clean the printing screen of a LCD device?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
Are NextShapes resins food-safe?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat are the material properties of NextShapes resins?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁAre NextShapes resins gas permeable?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow should I store resin? How to store the remaining resin after printing?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow to clean the printing screen of a LCD device?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
Are NextShapes resins food-safe?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat are the material properties of NextShapes resins?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁAre NextShapes resins gas permeable?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow should I store resin? How to store the remaining resin after printing?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow to clean the printing screen of a LCD device?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
Are NextShapes resins food-safe?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat are the material properties of NextShapes resins?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁAre NextShapes resins gas permeable?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow should I store resin? How to store the remaining resin after printing?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow to clean the printing screen of a LCD device?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
- Precision ProX White
- Precision Model
- Precision Cast
- Precision ABS Gray
- Precision Flex
- Precision Thermo
- Precision Stone
- Precision Clear
What’s the best SLA material for prototyping?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat’s the best SLA material for functional prototypes?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat is castable SLA resin?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow to handle resin safely?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁDoes NextShapes have technical support for users?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
What’s the best SLA material for prototyping?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat’s the best SLA material for functional prototypes?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat is castable SLA resin?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow to handle resin safely?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁDoes NextShapes have technical support for users?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
What’s the best SLA material for prototyping?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat’s the best SLA material for functional prototypes?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat is castable SLA resin?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow to handle resin safely?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁDoes NextShapes have technical support for users?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
What’s the best SLA material for prototyping?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat’s the best SLA material for functional prototypes?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat is castable SLA resin?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow to handle resin safely?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁDoes NextShapes have technical support for users?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
What’s the best SLA material for prototyping?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat’s the best SLA material for functional prototypes?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat is castable SLA resin?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow to handle resin safely?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁDoes NextShapes have technical support for users?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
What’s the best SLA material for prototyping?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat’s the best SLA material for functional prototypes?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat is castable SLA resin?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow to handle resin safely?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁDoes NextShapes have technical support for users?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
What’s the best SLA material for prototyping?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat’s the best SLA material for functional prototypes?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat is castable SLA resin?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow to handle resin safely?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁDoes NextShapes have technical support for users?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ
What’s the best SLA material for prototyping?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat’s the best SLA material for functional prototypes?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁWhat is castable SLA resin?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁHow to handle resin safely?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁDoes NextShapes have technical support for users?ꀅ ꀅ ꂁ