Today, we received a request from a customer who needed help printing a few samples with Matte PLA to see how well it performs.
The customer had previously received an order to print ornaments, but the samples he produced were rough and had obvious layer lines, causing dissatisfaction for the buyer. So the customer urgently sought our assistance.
NextShapes Matte PLA offers a smooth texture with minimal layer lines, resulting in beautiful prints. It boasts high molding accuracy- when printing a 20 cm sample, the error can be controlled within 0.1mm, allowing for precise representation of intricate model details. The model supports can also be easily removed from the surface, effectively reducing the post-processing time.
It took two hours to print the ornament samples requested by the customer, and then we took a few photos and sent them to him. Soon after, he informed us that the buyer was very satisfied with it and said he would buy a batch of Matte PLA.
If you are struggling with the rough surface of printed samples, consider trying NextShapes Matte PLA! It will not disappoint you!
Let's use Matte PLA to present a cute image of anime characters!
NextShapes, Matte PLA, 3D Printing Filaments
<5 minute read
SLA Resin